Tuesday, August 11, 2009

as of late...

i like lists.. any kind of list. i love to make to do lists, things to buy lists, all sorts of lists, even lists of inventory at work. so here is a list of what i'm thinking about right now...

1. i HATE needles... i am headed to a travel clinic after work to get a TB test and my hep A needle. hopefully this mission thing is worth it :)
2. i watched this when i was at work last week and i cried a little
- i don't even know why. its not like i've been following the story or anything, ok i kind of know why, when that one reporter was reunited with her daughter.. thats what got the water works going
3. i am excited for a reunion with the Gathers. Even if i just get to see them for a little bit.. i can't wait for it! i have missed them a lot being in canada this summer.
4. "way to use your elbows sir" i laugh everytime i am watchin morning highlights or SportsCenter (which i do quite a bit at the pro shop) and they show people in the crowd catching the balls that make it into the stands. I love how everyone always has to throw their arm up in the air after they make the catch. also i find this video kind of entertaining.. i think my dad will like it
5. i can't believe that brylie had her first day of school yesterday.. (featured on angie's blog)
i remember when i started school like it was yesterday. i think i had bobbles in my hair and i know i stressed about what i was going to wear...
6. do i have bad taste? the new girl at work told me that i have no idea what makes a good looking guy. you know what that means --- less competition for her cause we will NOT be going after the same guys


Erika said...

Oh alana, I miss your stinkin guts.

nice blog entry, I like to stay informed about EVERYTHING that happens in your life.

Who is this new girl at work? and who does she think she is? just wondering

Sara said...

i love your list.

i love you and miss you.

Wilma said...

Hooray, we made THE list! We're looking forward to seeing you also...We (definitely Chay and me, would LOVE to tour a chocolate factory...WITH samples!!)

It's genetic about not liking needles, Grandpa and your Dad are like kids when it comes to needles...

jacquirae said...

The new girl at work sounds kinda strange. I liked the videos. I can't believe how hardcore that guy but I definitely love it. He's really thought it through!