Saturday, December 5, 2009

airport photobooth

today we flew to Kona (the BIG island)
when we got here, the weather was WAY better than in Oahu... and we'll take the sun shining anyday.

we know that mom and dad are anxiously awaiting pictures of the trip so far.. i forgot my camera cord in Laie and our time for updates has been cut short by making plans for the next day.

we saw waterfalls today and drove around half of the island to Hilo... some of it looked like desert, and some looked like BC/idaho... it was weird to feel like we weren't in hawaii anymore.

we went to a botanical garden and saw all sorts of plants we had never seen before.. it was pretty cool

hotel pool, black sand beaches and red hot lava hopefully.

we are also hopeful Ang will feel better and that we will have well rested and fed kids.

peace and love.


Wilma said...

I heard that if you take the black sand home from your vacation, you will have back luck. Of course maybe it is manmade and that's just a way to keep the sand on the beach...

I think that would look so amazing, take a picture of that please.

May Takahashi said...

Looks like you folks are enjoying your vacation. At least it is much warmer than where Mike is right now.
I don't mind winter but this is a bit too much. I like to at least be able to get around. The snow,cold and
blizzard I can do without.
Enjoy Kona and think of us as we freeze in this wintery weather.
Hope Angie is feeling better.