Monday, May 13, 2013

FHE: faith

We have set some goals as a family and one of them is to improve our family home evening.  Luckily just prior to this goal being set, I bought some kits from Target for a $1 for cilantro and basil.  So we had a great lesson from Luke about faith and planted them.
Tracen enjoyed being able to help.
After carefully placing our plants in the window sill and telling Tracen not to touch I felt proud of how well it went...
... and then I turned around to this:
The plants and Tracen have done remarkably well since. However, after a recent incident with the basil, we decided to put it in our other planter to see if they would survive the toddler terror.  And they did!!
Our cilantro will be making the move in a a few weeks as well.

But we can't plant things every Monday night, so all my ideas are gone. Haha.


Burgess Family said...

Good job! Totally impressed!

Wilma said...

How are the plants now?