Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wednesday Rambles

We got back on Saturday from a week in Phoenix.  It was a great trip, as it always it.  Luke always talks and talks about how he wants to live there when we visit (too bad there is no oil and gas there).  I should post about our trip and some pictures, but the memory card is too far from me at the moment to get it, so time for some rambles instead.

A.  It has been a LONG couple of days, after doing so much walking and lifting of a 30+ lb 2-year-old my sciatic nerve or something has been causing me a lot of pain.  I went to the chiropractor yesterday, and am going back tomorrow to hopefully find some relief.  I feel like I have a pretty high pain tolerance (I did deliver Tracen au natural) but this has had me in tears dozens of times since Sunday, maybe the pregnancy hormones are also affecting my emotions.

B.  Poor Tracen has had to deal with me not being about to do much, and when I have and it has ended in tears, he has been so sweet, giving me kisses and hugs and wiping my tears from my eyes.  I am grateful that we purchased a few new puzzles to help keep him busy.

C.  After waiting as long as we could, we have to get our Utah drivers license.  I had to take a written test yesterday, and now a driving test.  It is giving me anxiety.  I know I have had my license for a long time, but it is still freaking me out.

D.  I am 33 and a half weeks pregnant - with SOO much to do (and this pain is not helping me).  I need to finish painting the crib, then attack a glider we picked up for $30, make some freezer meals, etc etc... the list is never-ending and literally keeps me awake at night. 


Mariko said...

You poor thing! I wish I could help you out (you know I love tackling painting/furniture projects)! Hope you find some relief at the chiropractors! You are almost near the end, you got this!

jaqeerae said...

I love you Alana! Hang in there :)

Tracen is so sweet. I'm excited for you to meet BBA2 and you'll be able to get what you need done - even if it isn't EVERYTHING on your list. Be patient with yourself, you are doing fantastic!

Miss you!

Sara said...

I remember sitting in a hot bathtub at like 3am and just crying because my lower back pain was so bad. (Mind you I didn't have a Tracen to take care of because I was pregnant with Drew) :( I am so sad that you are going through this horrible/emotional time. I love you so much. Wish we were closer so I could help you out and give you a break. If there's anyone that can do it, I know you can. You are so strong (physically, emotionally, spiritually) Love you bff.

MayTakahashi said...

Glad you had a good trip to Arizona.
Sorry you are having sciatica pains.Two more months and things should improve. Hang in there!