Thursday, November 2, 2017

Brothers and a little paint.

I have been awful at blogging.  A goal I had was to keep it up.  This is the best record of our family and our life.  Rather than get frustrated with trying to catch up, I am just going to start where I am.  

I have been writing a bit.  A lot of dramatic, way to deep, pieces that may never see the light of day.  Maybe one day I'll be brave and post them to sit here for no one to read haha.  

Anyways, life has been a mix of overwhelming and joyful, with brothers that love each other and love to bug each other and all the in-between.  Then I catch them all sitting on the couch laughing and giggling and my heart bursts. 

After a long couple of weeks of teething and then double ear infections for Mylo, I nearly lost it.  I am not kidding.  Mylo turned back into this newborn acting baby and he felt awful, which in turn made for lots of nursing and more holding him (I didn't think this was possible).  Now that he is finally starting to feel like himself, he is only happy when I treat him like his brothers.  So today I let him paint.  And he LOVED it.  I loved seeing him enjoy it, but I also loved how excited Rai was to paint with him and how encouraging he was to Mylo and how he said repeatedly how good Mylo was doing. 

This is when Rai got really concerned with the fact that Mylo was painting on his forehead. Haha.  I laughed until the paint wouldn't come off his face... the green finally came off in the bath tonight. 

 And I even got in on the painting too.  I always forget how much I enjoy painting and how relaxing it is to me.  Like my gardening for the winter I guess.  I need to make more time for those things, so that when illness strikes, I don't almost lose it like it did this past week....


jacqui said...

new chairs/stools in the kitchen? I'd read your "too deep" posts! I'm glad that you have the moments where everyone gets along....and how are you so good at painting???:)

Erika said...

I want to read what you have written... even if you dont post them send them to me.

I love your painting! You are soo soo good!