Thursday, August 23, 2018

It's a GIRL!

A few days before we headed to Canada, we had our anatomy ultrasound on baby #4.  I was so anxious about it, that I didn't sleep at all the night before. I kept having dreams that the baby was a boy and I was like "it is supposed to be a girl" which was weird, because I had no previous feelings or impressions about what the baby would be and I was fully prepared for it to be another boy.  At all our other appointments they always made sure that I knew that it was likely going to be a boy. All the boys were hoping for a sister (they already know what brothers are like I guess haha) and Rai would say that he wanted the baby to be a girl so I wouldn't be lonely.  

So we got a babysitter, because I wasn't sure how I would react to either gender.  I knew for sure that our family wasn't complete yet, and boy or girl, we needed one more member to add. 

We were both in shock when the tech announced that it was A GIRL!  Seriously, and tears started streaming down my face.  All day long I kept bursting into tears thinking about our little girl.  Luke couldn't barely say anything because he was so sure it would be another boy. 

We can't wait to add a baby girl to our crazy mix.  It will be so fun to see the boys fill the older brother role.  I am just hoping these next couple months go by quick!

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